
Time For Action  

Time For Action  
Teemu Paananen

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be feeling pretty helpless in the face of the news cycle. So this issue of Service95 is dedicated to taking action – whether it’s the activists working for change, or what we can all do as individuals. There’s a piece on how to deal with feeling overwhelmed in the face of distressing news – and then do something about it. We report on the growing incidence of transphobia in British politics, and speak to the activists who are fighting to reframe the narrative. And we interview climate justice activist Mikaela Loach, who shares some positive steps we can all take to make a change in the world. Finally, we’ve compiled a list of books and resources that help make sense of what’s happening in Israel and Palestine, and organisations to support. Don’t just get angry, get active.   

Dua x

Activism,  Dua's Letter 

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