
About Us

Service95 is a global editorial platform founded by Dua Lipa. Launched in February 2022, it encompasses a website, weekly newsletter, the podcast Dua Lipa: At Your Service and the Service95 Book Club.

The website and weekly newsletter feature a considered curation of lists, stories, perspectives and conversations with a global lens. There are brilliant articles from some of the world’s most compelling voices – on everything from style and arts to social justice and politics.

In Dua Lipa: At Your Service, our founder goes deep in conversation with some of the world’s most inspiring minds – from actors to activists. Its three seasons are brimming with fascinating stories and life lessons that inspire us all not simply to be more curious about the world around us but, ultimately, to be of service.

In the Service95 Book Club, books represent diverse global voices, telling powerful stories spanning fiction, memoir and manifesto. Members are invited to read along with the Book of the Month aided by discussion guides, author Q&As and further reading lists to bring readers closer to the authors, their inspirations and the worlds they create.

About Us

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Sex in 2025: Extremism, Vulnerability and Discovery – One Pleasure Party Pioneer Shares His Insights