Jack, 100: “I’m The Oldest Judo Instructor In The World!”

Jack, 100: “I’m The Oldest Judo Instructor In The World!”
Jack © Juan Trujillo Andrades

To celebrate Service95’s 100th issue, we interviewed a group of very special people – all over 100 years old – inviting them to share their wisdom. Here, 100-year-old Jack shares his story...

Jack, 100, lives in Newcastle, northeast England, where he still – after 73 years – teaches judo. He started a judo club with his brother Bob back in 1954, making their own mats out of sawdust and old army canvas. By 2021, at age 97, he received his 10th dan black belt – the highest possible accolade. It’s hard to believe Jack is 100. Upbeat and energetic, his joyful character is infectious.

What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in your lifetime?

So many things. The fact that we have all this modern machinery, like telephones, television, these things that can go up into the sky and land on other planets. Even the radio was a complete surprise – I remember my mother saying, ‘That lady’s singing in London,’ and I said, ‘You can’t kid me like that, how can I hear somebody on a stage in London when I’m sitting [280 miles away] in North Shields?’. The pencil was a new invention to us – we had slates at school. Then somebody invented the pencil, then pen and ink.

Portrait of centenarian Jack at home, for the 100th Issue of Service95
© Juan Trujillo Andrades

What has been the happiest moment of your life so far?

There are so many it’s very hard to pinpoint but receiving my award for being the oldest judo instructor in the world [Jack was awarded a Guinness World Record in 2023]. That was out of this world.

What brings you happiness on a daily basis?

Just being alive. I have no problems worth talking about – I’ve got a nice home, the people around about help me, I’ve got a wonderful family, I’ve got plenty of food. I’m not a big drinker nowadays, but I have the odd can of beer or glass of wine. Life is wonderful.

A wall of Judo awards, competition photography and memorabilia in the home of centenarian Jack, for the 100th issue of Service95
© Juan Trujillo Andrades

Have you had a lifelong hobby?

Judo – 73 years is a lifetime, isn’t it? I was a racing cyclist from when I was about 12, but in 1951 I started to do judo because I got a pain in my side, which turned out to be appendicitis. My doctor said not to go cycling again, so my brother and I found a little judo club in North Shields and I took to it like a duck to water. For 10 years, I went to France to study under a Japanese teacher. I taught judo all over the country, and I got my 10th dan at 97 years old – I can’t get any higher.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Peaceful, respectful and happy.

Portrait of centenarian Jack at home, for the 100th Issue of Service95
© Juan Trujillo Andrades

What do you think is the biggest misconception about ageing?

People get the idea that that’s it: lock the door, put the heating on and let’s get the knitting out, but that’s the wrong attitude. There are still lots of things you can do. I try to get out as much as I can and participate. For my 100th birthday, I had five parties – I was invited here, there and everywhere. They all gave me a birthday cake, I got 17 bottles of wine, a band came and played music for me. It’s been absolutely wonderful.

Why do you think you are enjoying such a long life?

I really don’t know but I’ll tell you what I think: I’ve looked after myself, I’ve exercised, I don’t look for enemies – I avoid them. I have huge respect for my fellow man and woman, and I just enjoy life: being with people, talking to people, participating in life.

A Few Of My Favourite Things...

  1. Favourite Place Tenerife. I went there for 34 years and I enjoyed every moment.
  1. Favourite Book I’m not one for reading, but most of the books I read are to do with judo.
  1. Favourite Music I really like André Rieu, and I like Italian music.
  1. Favourite Film Just about anything that’s got John Wayne in it!
  1. Favourite Drink I like Greek wine.

Laura Potter is a freelance editor, writer and interviewer whose work has appeared in The Observer Magazine, The Guardian’s Saturday magazine, The Times Magazine, Women’s Health and Men’s Health

100th Issue,  People,  Life,  The List 

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