
Men’s Mental Health: It’s Time To Talk

Men’s Mental Health: It’s Time To Talk

Welcome to the second issue in our two-part men’s mental health special, guest edited by Glenn Lutz. With studies showing 40% of men won’t talk about their mental health, it’s a topic that needs our attention and in this week’s newsletter, I feel very lucky and proud to say that my friend and long-time collaborator Mark Ronson has written beautifully about his panic disorder for Service95. Mark has always been someone that has inspired me deeply, with the music he has produced, the songs he has written and the mark he has left on the music industry. And he continues to inspire me with his candidness about his mental health and how he has dealt with anxiety over the years. I hope anyone that reads this that might be struggling is also inspired to go out there and seek help – and is comforted by the fact that there are people dealing with the same and that it’s OK not to be OK. It’s all part of the journey and there is always someone out there to help you on yours. 

Dua x



Mental Health,  Health & Fitness,  Self,  Dua's Letter 

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